- These raisins come from Xinjiang,they taste delicious. 这些葡萄干产自新疆,味道很甜。
- The small round cakes taste like our pies. They taste delicious. 圆饼尝起来像我们吃的馅饼,味道鲜美。
- They tasted delicious. 他们尝起来味很美。
- They tasted defeat for the first time. 他们第一次体验到失败的滋味。
- They tasted crunchy and richly flavor of grass. 它们吃起来脆爽带浓浓的草香.
- They searched for the things they liked in front of the booths in the i-Mart, tasted delicious cakes, and played hoopla and electronic basketball shooters and tried their luck. 人们从全国各地赶来,在这一天相聚上海,他们在创意摊点前淘宝,品味美味蛋糕,玩玩套圈投篮,小试自己的手气。
- The hamburger not only smells good but (also) tastes delicious. 这只汉堡包不但气味好闻而且味道好吃。
- Every famous Chinese dish tastes delicious. 中国名菜,道道口味鲜美。
- Yummy! Yummy! It tastes delicious. 好吃,好吃!味道好极了。
- They were very tiny but he knew they were nourishing and they tasted good. 虽然这虾很小,但他知道它们营养很丰富,而且尝起来味道鲜美。
- Mother"s apple pie always tastes delicious. 妈妈做的苹果派很好吃的!(就是苹果馅饼,麦当劳可以吃到的。
- This roast chicken tastes delicious. 这烤鸡味道好极了
- They tasted stale, the whites were rubbery, and the yolks were pretty hard. 老实讲味道不怎么样,蛋白有点弹力,可是蛋黄却很硬。
- This roast chicken taste delicious. 这烤鸡味道好极了。
- Yummy ! Yummy ! It tastes delicious. 好吃,好吃!味道好极了。
- This lightly roasted chicken tastes delicious. 这只烤鸡肥嫩鲜美,真是好吃!
- These homegrown vegetables taste delicious. 这些自家种植的蔬菜非常美味。
- If anybody asked him why he ate so many eels, he always answered, "They taste so delicious! 如果有人问他问什么他吃那么多鳝鱼,他总是回答,“它们可好吃了!
- This roast duck tastes delicious. 这烤鸭味道好极了。
- Overflowing bait aroma, taste delicious. 鱼饵香气四溢,味道鲜美。